Welcome to our Health & Well-being Service
The North Lincolnshire 0-19 – 25 SEND – Health and Wellbeing service offers the children, young people and families of North Lincolnshire the opportunity of accessing a seamless integrated Health Visiting and School Nursing service. The team lead the Healthy Child Programme and provide a series of public health interventions from the antenatal period to age 19 and up to the age of 25 for young people with special educational needs.
We offer advice and support on a range of health related topics including breastfeeding, child health and development, healthy diet and nutrition, transition to school, sexual health and healthy relationships, perinatal and maternal mental health and wellbeing.
The team consists of Health Visitors, School Nurses, Community Nurses, Community Nursery Nurses and support staff. We work in close partnership with our partner agencies in Children’s Centres, the FAAST Team and Social Care with a joint aim of supporting the children, young people and families of North Lincolnshire to reach their full potential.
Please follow the links above for information on all of our services. There are also links to downloadable information and support services.

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Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH) operates services in 200 locations across Rotherham, Doncaster, North Lincolnshire and North-East Lincolnshire
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